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作者: 时间:2017-10-13 点击数:

说明:赵华, 教授,博士生导师。1980毕业于白求恩医科大学临床医学系,毕业后留校任教至今,1997年破格晋升教授。19881994年先后在本校获生理学硕士和博士学位,1994-1996年第四军医大学和日本京都大学博士后,1999-2000年加拿大达尔豪斯大学博士后,2008.1-8月美国加州大学(洛杉矶分校)访问学者。现任中国生理学会常务理事、中国神经科学会常务理事、中国睡眠研究会常务理事、吉林省生理学会理事长、beat365中国在线体育学术委员会主席、beat365手机官方网站基础生理系主任。国家基金委面上项目及重点项目终审评委,Journal of NeuroinflammationNeuropharmacologyScientific reports NeuroscienceNeuroscience letter等杂志审稿人。全国优秀科技工作者、卫生部优秀青年科技人才、吉林省高级专家(20052012年)、吉林省第十一批有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才、beat365手机官方网站十大白求恩名师。一直从事情感障碍的神经环路机制、睡眠觉醒中枢机制、缰核在机体稳态中作用机制的研究,尤其近些年对缰核的功能认识转向临床脑重大疾病发病机制的探索,从更高层面揭示了缰核功能异常在抑郁症、帕金森所致认知和情感障碍、睡眠节律紊乱等脑疾病中的作用。首先在国际上报道缰核在抑郁症发病和昼夜节律形成中具有重要作用,在动物实验确定了抑郁症发病中一个不可忽视的中枢部位和昼夜节律中枢调节的新机制;证明外侧缰核介导中脑多巴胺系统对5-羟色胺系统的调节,参与相关脑疾病所致认知情感障碍发病机制。以第一和通讯作者发表缰核研究文章29篇(被引277次);主持7项国家基金委课题(重大研究计划培育项目1项和面上项目6项)、3项国际合作(法国资助研究经费)及省科技厅重点项目等课题研究。教学上,带领生理学、药理学、病理生理学、机能实验学四个学系进行实验课程的整合和改革,其研究成果获beat365手机官方网站教学成果二等奖;参编国家规划生理学教材9部, 参编生理学数字教材及生理学学习指导与习题集3部、主编生理学实验教材2部。




3.外侧缰核介导抑郁大鼠睡眠障碍的作用和机制,国家自然科学基金(81271465),2013.01-2015.1, 负责人








11.人身单体皂甙Rb1抗抑郁新用途的开发研究,吉林省科技厅重点项目(20090928) 2009.09-2011.12 ,负责人


1. Xiao J, Song M, Li F, Liu X, Anwar A, Zhao Hua*. Effects of GABA microinjection into dorsal raphe nucleus on behavior and activity of lateral habenular neurons in mice. Exp Neurol. 2017;298:23-30.

2. Li Y, Wang Y, Xuan C, Li Y, Piao L, Li J, Zhao Hua*. Role of the Lateral Habenula in Pain-Associated Depression. Front Behav Neurosci. 2017;11:31.

3. Li J, Li Y, Zhang B, Shen X, Zhao H*. Why depression and pain often coexist and mutually reinforce: Role of the lateral habenula. Exp Neurol. 2016 ;284:106-113.

4. Zhang Q, Feng JJ,Yang S, Liu XF, Li JC, Zhao H*. Lateral habenula as a link between thyroid and serotoninergic system modiates depressive symptoms in hypothyroidism rats. Brain Res Bull. 2016 ;124:198-205.

5. Yang J, Jin HJ, Mocaër E, Seguin L, Zhao H*, Rusak B.. Agomelatine affects rat suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons via melatonin and serotonin receptors. Life Sci. 2016; 155:147-54

6. Da Weili,Guangren Li,Beilin Zhang,Jingjing Feng, Hua Zhao*.  Damage to dopaminergic neurons is mediated by proliferating cell nuclear antigen through the p53 pathway under conditions of oxidative stress in a cell model of Parkinson's disease. International Journal Of Molecular Medicine. 2016; 37: 429-435.

7. Beilin Zhang,Yanxia Gao, Yang Li, Jing Yang,  Hua Zhao*.Sleep Deprivation Influences Circadian Gene Expression in the Lateral Habenula. Behavioural Neurology.2016; 2016: 7919534.

8. Hua Zhao*, Bei-Lin Zhang, Shao-Jun Yang, Benjamin Rusak. The role of lateral  habenula–dorsal raphe nucleus circuits in higher brain functions and psychiatric illness. Behavioural Brain Research .2015;277 :89–98. (被引证25次)

9. Zhigong Zhao, Haiyan Xu, Yongmao Liu, Li Mu, Jinyu Xiao , Hua Zhao*.Diurnal Expression of the Per2 Gene and Protein in the Lateral Habenular Nucleus. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015; 16(8):16740-16749.

10. Xiao Feng Luo, Bei Lin Zhang, Ji Cheng Li, Ying Ying Yang, Yan Fei Sun, Hua Zhao*. Lateral habenula as a link between dopaminergic and serotonergic systems contributes to depressive symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. Brain Research Bulletin. 2015;110 :40–46. (被引证10次)

11.Chunying Li, Meiying Song, Min Huang, Jicheng Li, Jinyu Xiao, Hua Zhao*.

 Estradiol suppresses neuronal firing activity and c-Fos expression in the lateral habenula. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2015; 12: 4410-4414.

12. Li-Min Yang, Lei Yu, Hui-Juan Jin, Hua Zhao*. Substance P receptor antagonist in lateral habenula improves rat depression-like behavior. Brain Research Bulletin . 2014;100: 22– 28. (被引证17次)

13. Bing Han, Hui Juan Jin, Mei Ying Song, Tian Wang , Hua Zhao*. A potential target for the treatment of Parkinson's disease: Effect of lateral habenula lesions. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 2014;20(11):1191-1195.

14. Xuefeng Shen, Xiaoguo Ruan, Hua Zhao*. Stimulation of Midbrain Dopaminergic Structures Modifies Firing Rates of Rat Lateral Habenula Neurons. PLoS ONE. 2012;7:(4)e34323.(被印证32次)

15. B. Han, Hua Zhao*. Effects of Hydroxysafflor Yellow A in the Attenuation of MPTP Neurotoxicity in Mice. Neurochem Res. 2010);35:107–113.

16. Huali Li, Yuming Kang, Lei Yu, Haiyan Xu, Hua Zhao*. Melatonin reduces blood pressure in rats with stress-induced hypertension via gabaa receptors. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology.2009;36: 436–440.

17.Yang Lu, ianguang Chen, Xiaohua Yin, Hua Zhao*. Angiotensin II receptor 1 involved in the central pressor response induced by interleukin-1 beta in the paraventricular nucleus. Neurological Research.2009; 31:,420-424.

18. Li-Min Yang, Bing Hu, Ying-Hong Xia, Bei-Lin Zhang, Hua Zhao*. Lateral habenula lesions improve the behavioral response in depressed rats via increasing the serotonin level in dorsal raphe nucleus. Behavioural Brain Research, 2008:188:84–90.(被引证102次)

19.Hua Zhao, Benjamin Rusak*.Circadian firing-rate rhythms and light responses of rat habenular nucleus neurons in vivo and in vitro. Neuroscience, 2005;132:519.(被引证74)






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